On my journey through Chapter 2 of CSAPP, some magical tricks appeared intermittently. So I am trying to catch them by writing this article.
Fold bits
Consider that we get a mission to check if all the odd-numbered bits in a int are set to 1. What is the faster way?
The answer is: to fold it.
* allOddBits - return 1 if all odd-numbered bits in word set to 1
* where bits are numbered from 0 (least significant) to 31 (most significant)
* Examples allOddBits(0xFFFFFFFD) = 0, allOddBits(0xAAAAAAAA) = 1
* Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
* Max ops: 12
* Rating: 2
int allOddBits(int x) {
x = x & (x >> 16);
x = x & (x >> 8);
x = x & (x >> 4);
x = x & (x >> 2);
return (x >> 1) & 1;
By using the fold technic, We can implement logical not without
operator !
by folding the ‘or’ operation:
* logicalNeg - implement the ! operator, using all of
* the legal operators except !
* Examples: logicalNeg(3) = 0, logicalNeg(0) = 1
* Legal ops: ~ & ^ | + << >>
* Max ops: 12
* Rating: 4
int logicalNeg(int x) {
x = (x >> 16) | x;
x = (x >> 8) | x;
x = (x >> 4) | x;
x = (x >> 2) | x;
x = (x >> 1) | x;
return ~x & 1;
Furthermore, we can fill all the bits in the right ( left ) side of the most ( least ) significant bit to 1 by a inverse way (the shift number’s order is reversal):
// All of the bits in the right side of the most significant 1 should set to 1.
compare = compare | (compare >> 1);
compare = compare | (compare >> 2);
compare = compare | (compare >> 4);
compare = compare | (compare >> 8);
compare = compare | (compare >> 16);
By combining those technic, it is possible to compare two integer number x and y without any arithmetic operator or compare operator:
* isLessOrEqual - if x <= y then return 1, else return 0
* Example: isLessOrEqual(4,5) = 1.
* Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
* Max ops: 24
* Rating: 3
int isLessOrEqual(int x, int y) {
// Check the sign bits.
// x <= y is possible if any of following condition is satisfied:
// 1. The sign bits of x and y is same.
// 2. The sign bits are not same but the x's sign bit is set to 1
// (which means x is negative and y is positive).
// If any of those condition is satisfied, the sign_check will be set to 0.
int sign_x = (x >> 31) & 1;
int sign_y = (y >> 31) & 1;
int diff_sign = sign_x ^ sign_y;
int sign_check = diff_sign & (!sign_x);
// Compare x and y.
// For both positive number and negative number, the number which
// contains the most significant 1 will be the greater one.
// Get the different bits between x and y.
int compare = x ^ y;
// Transfer the compare result to the form '00..011..1', which means
// all of the bits in the right of the most significant 1 should set to 1.
compare = compare | (compare >> 1);
compare = compare | (compare >> 2);
compare = compare | (compare >> 4);
compare = compare | (compare >> 8);
compare = compare | (compare >> 16);
// Erase all but the most significant 1.
// For example, the formalized number 00001111 will turn to 00001000
// (compare >> 1): 00000111
// (compare & 1): 1
// (compare >> 1) + (compare & 1): 00001000
// There are two special cases:
// 1. When x == y, compare will be 0 and the result of the expression (compare & 1) will also be 0.
// Thus the result of the expression (compare >> 1) + (compare & 1) will be 0.
// 2. When the sign bit is difference, the result of the express (compare >> 1) will be 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
// Thus the result of the expression (compare >> 1) + (compare & 1) will be 0.
// That is, the expression is invalid in this case, but at least it will not interference the sign check.
// So it still works.
compare = (compare >> 1) + (compare & 1);
// If the most significant bit is contained by x, result will be 0.
// Otherwise it will be 1.
compare = compare & x;
// The x <= y if and only if
// the most significant different bit is contained by x
// and the sign_check is passed.
return !(compare + sign_check);
Count bits
Consider that we need to find the minimum number of bits required to
represent x in two’s component. And all of the operators that allowed to
use are: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
First at all, the minimum number of bits is only decided by the
position of the most significant 1 in the number’s two’s component
representation. That is, consider we have x = 00001010
, the
most significant 1 is located at the 4th position from the right. So we
can represent x by using 5 bits (don’t forget the sign bit).
Wait a minute. How about the negative number? Consider if the x is
equals to 11110101
, what is the minimum number of bits to
represent it? The answer is also 5 bits. In this situation, we need to
find the position of the most significant 0 instead 1. However, it is
unnecessary to distinct if the x is negative or positive. Just inverse
all of the bits in a negative number, so that we can consider it as a
same way to positive numbers.
// Inverse negative numbers
x = (x >> 31) ^ x;
It seems hard to find a easy way to find the position of the most significant 1. So we can fill all of the bits located in the right side of the most significant 1 by using the fold technic, so that the problem that find the most significant 1 is converted to the problem that count the number of bits which is set to 1.
// Set the bits in the right side of most significant 1 to 1.
x |= x >> 1;
x |= x >> 2;
x |= x >> 4;
x |= x >> 8;
x |= x >> 16;
For a number which represented by 2 bits, it is possible to count the number of bits which is set to 1 by using a mask.
mask = 01b;
// count the numbers of 1s by adding the two bits.
x = (x & mask) + ((x >> 1) & mask);
By using a longer mask, we can count the number of 1s for each 2 bits in a number:
int mask = 0x55555555; // 01010101....
x = (x & mask) + ((x >> 1) & mask)
After this, the number can be considered as a list of 2 bits numbers. Each 2 bits number in the list saves the number of 1 in those 2 bits. For example:
x = 0x01001110
mask = 0x01010101
x & mask = 0x01000100
(x >> 1) & mask = 0x00000101
(x & mask) + ((x >> 1) & mask) = 0x01001101
2 bits group of x = 01 00 11 10
2 bits group of result = 01 00 11 01 (numbers of 1s of the 2 bits group of x)
So we can simply count the 1s for each 4 bits and so far by using a similar way, so that we can implement a function to find the minimum number of bits required to represent x in two’s component.:
/* howManyBits - return the minimum number of bits required to represent x in
* two's complement
* Examples: howManyBits(12) = 5
* howManyBits(298) = 10
* howManyBits(-5) = 4
* howManyBits(0) = 1
* howManyBits(-1) = 1
* howManyBits(0x80000000) = 32
* Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
* Max ops: 90
* Rating: 4
int howManyBits(int x) {
int mask_2bit = 0x55;
int mask_4bit = 0x33;
int mask_8bit = 0x0f;
int mask_16bit = 0xff;
int mask_32bit = 0xff;
// Inverse negative
x = (x >> 31) ^ x;
// Set the bits in the right of most significant 1 to 1.
x |= x >> 1;
x |= x >> 2;
x |= x >> 4;
x |= x >> 8;
x |= x >> 16;
// Count 1s
// Generate a 2 bit mask 0x55555555(0101....)
mask_2bit += mask_2bit << 8;
mask_2bit += mask_2bit << 16;
// Group each 2 bits to present the sum of 1s in those bits.
x = (x & mask_2bit) + ((x >> 1) & mask_2bit);
// Generate a 4 bit mask 0x33333333(00110011....)
mask_4bit += mask_4bit << 8;
mask_4bit += mask_4bit << 16;
// Group each 4 bits to present the sum of 1s in those bits.
x = (x & mask_4bit) + ((x >> 2) & mask_4bit);
// Generate a 8 bit mask 0x0f0f0f0f(0000111100001111....)
mask_8bit += mask_8bit << 8;
mask_8bit += mask_8bit << 16;
// Group each 8 bits to present the sum of 1s in those bits.
x = (x & mask_8bit) + ((x >> 4) & mask_8bit);
// Generate a 16 bit mask 0x00ff00ff(00000000111111110000000011111111)
mask_16bit += mask_16bit << 16;
// Group each 16 bits to present the sum of 1s in those bits.
x = (x & mask_16bit) + ((x >> 8) & mask_16bit);
// Generate a 32 bit mask 0x00ff00ff(00000000000000001111111111111111)
mask_32bit += mask_32bit << 8;
// Group each 32 bits to present the sum of 1s in those bits.
x = (x & mask_32bit) + ((x >> 16) & mask_32bit);
// Minimum bits to present the number should be numbers of 1s + 1.
return x + 1;